
Monday, July 25, 2011

An Act of Will

At Fatima, our Blessed Mother asked that we make reparations for sinners,
for our own sins,
and for those who do not believe, hope, adore, and love God-
especially in the most Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
She taught the children saying,
 "When you make some sacrifice, say 'O Jesus, it is for your love, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.'"

Fr. L. was recently speaking with our Jr. High kids and sighted this prayer.
He said that when you have to do a chore,
act of humility,
or just something your really do not want to do,
say this prayer.
"O Jesus it is for love of You and salvation of souls that I do this."
He said that just this simple little prayer
can be the grace a soul needs to get to Heaven.
It really struck me.
A soul might make it to Heaven because I did the dishes when I didn't want to.
Because I was awake with my son for the fourth time that night.
Because I cleaned my house today.
If I just offer up these everyday occurences to Heaven-
Oh what God can do with those offerings.

And a happy side effect, is it makes these chores not so bad.

So today, tomorrow, and the day after...
my dear Guardian Angel help me remember to pray
"O Jesus, it is for love of You, and salvation of souls that I do this."


  1. I was just thinking how I should embrace chores as a way I take care of my family rather than feeling sorry for myself that I have to do things I don't like to do. Maybe incorporating this prayer will help!

  2. Love this and needed to hear it today. Thanks for sharing!
