
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All Yours

I am Yours by St Gemma and Dacia Wells

I am Yours o Jesus.  I am Yours o Jesus.
But You have good reason to complain about me yes I have offended You.
And, undeserving as I am,
I should be obliged
to give back to the Altar
so many stolen Breads, and so much precious Blood.
But I promise You that I will make amends.
Open Your heart to me Open Your heart to me
I wish to place all my affections there
Jesus I love thee, Jesus I love thee
Open Your heart and I open mine to You.
By why do You act towards me with so much love?
While I offend You with countless ingratitudes?
This thought alone, if I could but comprehend
should be enough to turn me into a furnace of love.
Open Your heart to me Open Your heart to me
I wish to place all my affections there
Jesus I love thee, Jesus I love thee
Open Your heart and I open mine to You.
Is it not an irresistible love to love Him who is not angry with one who
always offends Him so? O Jesus, if I only considered attentively Your
immense love for me, how greatly I should excel in every virtue! Pardon me,
O Jesus, so much carelessness; pardon such great ignorance. My God!
Jesus my love, infinite Goodness!
What would have become of me if You had not drawn me to Thee?
Open Your Heart!

This was recorded about a year ago at Daniel's Den.  I wanted to put up a new vid but our good video camera is somewhere in a box, where I do not know. Doh! Anyway this is a song I put together of the beautiful word of St Gemma Galgani. She is my favorite Saint because of her immense love for Jesus, and someday I will share how she clawed her way into my life. St Gemma, Pray for us!

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