
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Ball Awesomeness

Be warned, these are the tastiest, yummiest things ever. Seriously. Overwhelming deliciousity. If you make them, you will eat half of them, or more. Just to give you an idea of how good they are, I made them for a cookie exchange with my husband's extended family two years ago. Last year, when I made a different cookie, there was nearly a huge revolt and a call for my burning at the stake. They had mercy on me though and trust me this year, I will be bringing these once again.

<><> <><>
Don't worry, I made sure to eat this one after I touched it.


Mix together:
2 cup creamy peanut butter
3 cup rice krispies
1lb (3cup) powdered sugar
1/4 cup melted butter

Make balls and dip in melted:
 2 (maybe 3) package milk chocolate chips

Put on cookie sheets in fridge to harden. Enjoy.

Makes about 70 balls.

Okay so just to give a few pointers since I've been making these since I was a little child. They are kind of labor intensive. Once you get the powdered sugar in, it is almost impossible to stir. I wash my hands really good and end up using my hands to mix in the rice krispies. I gave a friend the recipe and she used a mixer. She said it turned out good, but I am too afriad to ruin a good thing so I stick with what I know.

Depending on the peanut butter you use, you may have to add more powdered sugar. You will know when you try to make a ball. If it is too sticky, add more. I've always had to add more except this year I used my new favorite peanut butter, Skippy Natural with honey. The recipe worked perfectly. If the balls are too crumbly, add more peanut butter.

The original recipe my mom used called for a bag of semi sweet chocolate chips and a bar of milk chocolate. They are still really good like this, but I prefer just to go all out and use all milk chocolate. Yep that's how I roll. And it seems that no matter how much chocolate I melt, I have to melt more so make sure you have extra on hand.

If you have left over melted chocolate, you can always use it creatively doing something else. That is how a family favorite-chocolate covered BACON!! was born in our house. Also awesomeness.

The double batch I made (140ish balls).
You're very welcome.


  1. yay! I pinned it immediately :D

  2. These are my husbands FAVORITE Christmas treat :) I put 1/4 cup butter in to help keep things a little less crumbly. So addictive!!!

  3. Oh my! these look amazing! going to have to try this!

  4. I make these every year with my daughters. One thing we do that makes it easier is to crush the rice krispies.

  5. That was so good! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  6. Is it 1 lb and 3 cups powered sugar or are you saying 1 lb = 3 cups powered sugar?

  7. It is 1 lb, which is equal to 3 cups. Hope you enjoy, they are delicious!

  8. Hi there, I was wondering do you have to keep them refrigerated? or can you package them and give them as treats? I'm planning on doing that and I'm just not sure that they will keep solid because the people I will be giving them to wont be able to get them to a fridge for awhile.
    Thanks! And Merry Christmas!

    1. I always give them as treats and bring them to cookie exchanges, they keep and hold together great! I always keep mine in the fridge though because they are tastier that way and the chocolate is hard then. I usually tell people they are better if refridgerated. Hope that answers your question. :)

      Oh and if you give them fgifts, people will always ask you for them just to warn you. :) Merry Christmas and enjoy.

    2. That absolutely answers my question! Thank you so much and I can't wait to make these! :)

    3. They will survive a lot longer, if You add a little paraffin to the chocolate! My Grandmother and I used to make these in the shape of little logs. seems like there was an additional ingredient she added? I think it was a little Vanilla Extract. Then We would Chill them to fridge temp, then dunk them in the melted Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips with a little Paraffin Wax......I remember sneaking them until they were almost gone.

    4. Just made this last night. My wife and kids loved them

  9. Have you ever frozen them, as in I want to make them for gifts along with other treats, and would like to make some early. Any ideas of how to keep the chocolate from whitening?

    1. Yes I have frozen them before and I didn't notice any issues. They were just in a tightly sealed container. Hope it works!

    2. How do you melt your chocolate chips? I recently tried another recipe that called for a mixture of semi-sweet and milk chocolate hips to be melted in the microwave. It was supposed to be done in 30 second intervals, stirring after each 30 seconds, which I did. I ended up with a big glob that never did melt. I also tried it in the double boiler and got the same results. I was using Nestles.

    3. I know this was a long time ago, but I was just reading this. Nestles does NOT melt..I ruined a bunch of fudge last year. They have done something to their recipe because it wasn't that way in the past. Now I know to use Ghirardelli any time I want to melt chocolate for anything.

    4. I know this was a long time ago, but I was just reading this. Nestles does NOT melt..I ruined a bunch of fudge last year. They have done something to their recipe because it wasn't that way in the past. Now I know to use Ghirardelli any time I want to melt chocolate for anything.

    5. Interesting to read that you've had trouble with Nestles semi-sweet chocolate chips. I've made a few chocolate-covered candy recipes this year, and a mixture of 12 oz choc chips, 4 squares of baker's chocolate and (1) 4" square of parafin worked perfectly.

  10. These are amazing! Thanks for the recipe. I think I needed to add about 1/4 cup more peanut butter. Mine made 60 balls, so I think I made them a little too big. Do you use any special tools to dip them in the chocolate? For mine I kind of rolled them around in melted chocolate which worked really well, but didn't create that nice-looking little "tip" or peak that you have on yours. I melted two massive bars of high-quality milk-chocolate bars and it worked perfectly. I drizzled the extra chocolate over the balls. Yum! Thanks again for sharing!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed them! I have found after years of making these that the amount of peanutbutter and powdered sugar just depends on the pb brand. Lol it can be frustrating! For dipping i just use a larger serving spoon and my fingers. When I put them on the pan after dipping I use both fingers and put where one finger was side down and the other side up. The nice tip comes from the extra chocolate on my finger drizzled over it. Not really sure how to explain that!

    2. i make them all the time they are delicous ,i freeze them ,they freeze well and well keep foe 2 months in the freezer.

  11. Is it ok to use Milk Chocolate Chips or should I use the milk chocolate bars? I can't wait to make these - they sound delicious!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I usually use milk chocolate chips, but you can use both or a combo of the two.

  12. Instead of straight chocolate, try half chocolate chips and half butterscotch chips. It creates an amazing creamy flavor that goes perfect with peanut butter. You'll thank me for this one! :) -Nic

  13. My mom use to make these and the old recipe called for you to add paraffin wax to the chocolate, Does anyone remember that?

    1. Yes I have that same receipe. My family makes these every year.

    2. Our old recipe called for that but we felt it uneccessary as it was just to make them super shiny so haven't done it in years.

  14. Instead of rice krispies try Golden Graham cereal. It makes the peanutbutter ball taste like a butterfinger ball! YUMMMMM

  15. I make these every year and dip them in a mixture of vanilla almond bark and butterscotch chips :) So good!

  16. Love these! I just made them today! But I used dark chocolate! I shared your recipe on my blog and linked it back to you!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them! We just made ours today too and my mom always does some with dark chocolate. Thanks for the blog mention. :)

  17. Can I make them today (Sunday) for giving on Thursday without freezing....just putting in an aurtight container?

    1. I made mine Friday for Christmas, they keep really well but I do keep them in the fridge or my garage (in the IL winter).

  18. I made these and all I can say is YUMMY. A little messy once getting to the chocolate part but worth it. Thanks:)

  19. how many days will these stay good? Want to make them tomorrow tuesday for a party this saturday.

    1. I usually make them a couple weeks before Christmas and they keep great. I do keep them in the cold though (fridge or garage). They would be just fine for this Saturday.

    2. I've not really made things dipped in chocolate before, how do you melt the chocolate chips? Do you use a double boiler?

    3. Sorry I missed your question! I am not a fan of the microwave and rarely use it, but I usualy melt the chocolate in the microwave. Stir every 30 seconds it burns easily. Otherwise you can do it on a stove over low heat stirring very frequently.

  20. I just made these delicious treats and they turned out great. Although my chocolate doesn't look as smooth as yours but they will do. I also crushed the rice crispies and used my Kitchenaid mixer and they turned out perfect. I would say to use 3 cups of chocolate chips. As I had to add more and the chocolate became dry for some reason. Can't wait to serve these for the holiday!

  21. Instead of chocolate chips can u use chocolate almond bark? Thanks

  22. How many does this recipe make?

    1. It makes roughly 70 but depends on the size balls you make.

  23. Is there a way to make a smaller portion?

  24. I just made them today and they looked sooo yummy! (I havent tried them yet- trying to wait forto Christmas! :) I do have a question/concern regarding the amount of time they harden in the refrigerator? After I dipped them and put them in the fridge, I waited about 4 hours and then I took them out to put in a gallon size zip lock bag to put back in the refrigerator. When I took them out of the fridge to put in the bag I noticed they melted some just from that minute out of the fridge (nothing drastic but I could feel them sliding around between my fingers when holding them) I'm just wondering if I should have kept them in the fridge longer before taking them out and putting them in a zip lock bag? Thanks so much!

    1. Huh, I always keep them in a tin, but still have never had that happen after just a few minutes. I think the longest I've left them in the fridge to harden was an hour so they should have been fine. So I don't know! Hope you enjoy them. :)

    2. When melting your choc. put a little parafin wax in, it makes the harden quicker and makes them shinny. I dip and put them on wax paper until set, then I put on a plate and put in freezer until choc. is all the way hard, then I put them in a container.

  25. I'm so excited to try these! I've seen similar recipes that all called for graham crackers. I'm sure they'd be delicious, but my family doesn't eat gluten. I'm looking forward to making these with the gluten-free Brown Rice Krispies! My kids thank you in advance. :)

  26. This was a favorite recipe of mine as a kid. I haven't made them in years. My recipe calls for 1/2 cup of butter - maybe that helps to make them less crumbly. We also used crunch peanut butter. LOVE these!

  27. hi, sounds like this would be a good time to have one of those chocolate fountain thingies to hold the balls under to drape with chocolate...just sayin...can't wait to make these.

  28. This looks amazing! I have to make them. Happy new year by the way!

  29. Made these for Christmas Goody Giving and MANNNNNN were they a hit!! Will make these every year from now on :) Posted them to the blog with a link back:

  30. Some of my favorite ingredients and want to make some; can you please tell me where the print link is??? Can't find the print button on this recipe.

  31. I have made these for 35 years and always a big hit. My recipe calls for melting butter and pb in a sauce pan and pour over rice krispies and powdered sugar, mix, chill and then make balls. In a double boiler, I melt parafin wax, milk choc. chips and big hershey bar, dip and place on wax paper until choc is hard. They do store in the fridge and freezer very well in an air tight container.

  32. Can u make these without the rice krispies

  33. Made a 1/2 batch of these today and they are delicious! Made them vegan using Earth Balance spread (butter sub) and Enjoy Life's non-dairy chocolate chips. Perfection!

  34. When I used graham cracker crumbs instead of rice krispies they tasted JUST like Reese's!

  35. Those look like my next sweet treat to make! Love peanut butter and chocolate.

  36. Did anyone else have an impossible time covering the balls in chocolate? I put the peanut butter mixture in the freezer for about a half hour before making the balls so that it would be a little easier to handle, but it was still a real chocolatey mess. Anybody have any tips?

    1. Nope, it is a mess no matter what. Enjoy licking your fingers when done. ;) I have made these in bar form too, much easier and less mess.

    2. there are a few tools you can get that will help a little. I got mine from a cake decorating store. Made for dipping sweets into chocolate.

  37. Can these be made into squares? Pressed into a pan and pour the melted chocolate on top?

    1. Yes I've done that before too. Less work and still delicious!

  38. How do you dip them in chocolate?

  39. Drop them in the chocolate and use a lg spoon and your fingers to coat/take out and transfer to cookie sheet using fingers. It is a mess!

  40. My grandkids & I are getting ready to make these. They look & sound wonderful! Thanks for sharing your recipe with us...Kj

  41. do the p-butter balks need to be covered with anything during hardining?
    I put my peanut butter balls on sheet trays on wax paper... but I'm wondering if they should be covered with something in till they harden like plastic wrap?

    1. Nope. The plastic wrap would stick to them probably. It takes only an hour or so for them to harden, I've never covered them while hardening. HOpe they turn out deliciously for you!

  42. Have you ever put the rice krispy mixure on a cookie sheet flattened out and then poured chocolate over the top? Almost like a cake. Just wondering because it would save so much time. Not sure if the mixture would stay together once you cut them into squares.

  43. Yep I've done that in a 9x13 pan. Works perfectly! So delicious and must easier. :) I do those sometimes not at Christmas time.

  44. These are amazing!! i used about a 1/2 cup more of peanut butter and i also had the question about the chocolate dipping looking so good on yours but a little like a disaster zone on my own haha!!!! i will use a serving spoon on my second batch :)

  45. I was just wondering if I could use granulated sugar instead of powdered? since that's what I have on hand. Thanks in advance for your help :)

    1. Never tried that and not sure it would be the same and I don't think it would hold the balls together. But you could make your own powdered sugar if you have corn stach and a blender. Good luck!

    2. i have never seen powdered sugar or do you refer to it as icing sugar?

    3. Yes confectioners sugar or icing sugar it is all the same thing. :)

  46. What kind of peanut butter do you use?

  47. I made these last year at Christmas and they were a big hit. So, I am in the process of doing them again. :) Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Merry Christmas.

  48. Have you tried white chocolate or butterscotch? Some of both and use any left over chocolate to drizzle over opposite balls. (White over chocolate or chocolate over white chocolate.).

  49. I readily admit I am a novice cook (even at 62 years old) but I tried these as a surprise for my chocolate loving husband. They were delicious but looked like mud balls. I couldn't for the life of me make them as uniform and round as the picture...but hey practice makes perfect, right.

  50. My grandmother made these when I was a child.. She would add a little bit of baking wax to the chocolate as it melted so they wouldn't melt in your fingers... Favorite dessert growing up and now as an adult!!!!!

  51. I have been making these candies for years. My godmother pass d me to his recipe when I tried hers. My kids loveee these and have already been hounding for the first shipment. I also bring them to the office during the holidays which is a huge hit.
    My weapon of choice of the perfect swirl is the toothpick, have a good sturdy kind not flimsy ones. For after you dip your balls you want to wack it on the side a couple times to get the excess drips off. Then after you set it on the wax paper you finish of by covering the hole with a perfect swirl.
    A few notes, make sure to fringe rate the balls while making these only take out five or six at a time you don't want them to melt or fall apart when dipping. It's very time consuming trust me allow a lot of time. Also if the balls are to dry some could fall part in the chocolate. Don't panic you can put them back together on your sheet use the chocolate as the glue.

  52. I made this recipe twice for two different parties. Wow, everyone loved them! Imagine a potluck with at least 15 desserts. By the end there were plenty of desserts left, but there were 2 little balls left! I formed them into "coal", adding black food coloring to the chocolate, and presented them with a sign saying "For The Naughty". I've just forwarded this recipe for the second time to people from those parties that are getting ready to make them for their events. Thanks so much for posting this!

  53. Has anyone ever thought of adding a bit of fresh coffee grinds to the chocolate to give a hint of mocha flavor?? Just a thought....

    1. I hate coffee, but if you like it that might be good. :)

    2. I hate coffee, but if you like it that might be good. :)

    3. Yikes!! Surely you mean instant coffee, not ground coffee beans!!

  54. I was wondering how big you made you peanut butter balls and if you used any special tool to make them. I used my cookie scoop and I only got 45 balls following the same recipe. I obviously made mine to big this time around!

    1. No special tools, just my hands and my kids help. I haven't measured but I don't make them too big because I like to have more. ;)

  55. My recommendations: use surgical gloves! No fuss, no muss.I used only 2 bags of chocolate using the gloves. I used a half cup butter. Make them the size of chocolate covered cherries and it will make 75. I put a half peanut on the top of each to avoid allergy issues for anyone.

  56. I halved the sugar and used cocoa pebbles Cereal instead (it's what I had on hand). I lightly greased my hands to ball them and flash froze them before dipping in chocolate. They turned out great!

  57. Tempering the chocolate would help keep them from melting if you don't want to use paraffin.

    1. and using high quality chocolate. Chocolate chips have added ingredients that help them hold their shape

  58. Thanks for this recipe! Have you ever tried it with white chocolate? I may do both milk & white because my husband doesn't like chocolate but he likes white chocolate. I will, of course, use good quality white chocolate...

  59. I make these every year for Christmas. I just wouldn't be Christmas without them! My tip for dipping them, take a plastic fork, break out the two center tines and you have a great dipping tool that you can throw away when you're done.
    Happy Holidays!
