
Friday, December 30, 2011

7 Quick Takes: Merry Christmas Ed.

1. Merry Christmas!! We have had a very blessed Christmas thus far filled with good food, family, and gifts. I love this time of year. It's only missing one thing: SNOW!! I've spoken about my love for snow before and how it drives all the snow-haters crazy. I'm happy to have some kindred souls around me though in my husband, dog, and SIL Robyn. I can't ever remember a time when we will be ringing in the New Year and still haven't had any significant snow. Worse yet, it has been raining. Cold. icky. rain. I don't want to complain, if this is the worst of my problems, then life sure is good, and life sure is good.

2. Dominic met his 2nd (I believe) cousin on Christmas Eve. We had a great time with my husband's family as always and he got along with his cousin, Jake, wonderfully. That is until he threw a very hard big plastic toy at his head. I was mortified. His mom was so sweet and acted like it wasn't a big deal as she comforted her almost 1 yr old. Jake was a champ, and such a sweetie trying to play with my crazy, rowdy little guy.

 3. We always dress up for Church around here (I wouldn't wear jeans to my wedding after all), but especially so on Christmas. Here is my handsome boys in their Christmas best.
 Funny thing is, last year after Christmas I bought Dominic a cute outfit with Christmas tie on super clearance...and of course, the tie was no where to be found.

4. Even though last year was Doc's first Christmas, this year was the first Christmas he cared to open presents and such. It was so much fun! He caught on quickly. Next thing we know, he was opening everyone else's presents for them.

 5. I had fun decorating for Christmas this year. I am trying to find my own vintage Christmas style. I feel I have ideas and direction now so next year will be even better! Here are our last minute centerpieces made by my wonderful husband from a pine bush in our back yard and some holly from his parent's house down the road. Simple, but I really like it!

 And thanks to some thrift shopping and my creative SIL (well the idea was actually from a blogger she stalks ((well she doesn't really stalk her, she just loves all her ideas))) I now have a miniature pine tree forest. I love it! I think Robyn and I might be taking turns housing this collection. I'm excited for it to grow over the years.

6. Everyone was so generous for Christmas this year (well every year!) Dominic got some great gifts including a Brio train set, drums, some much needed clothing, and the cutest hat in the world (of which I will post pictures when I can convince him to wear it!) I also received some great things. It's funny my husband apologized after I opened one of my gifts from him, a canning kit, for it being a "working" gift. But I LOVE IT! I am a practical gift kinda girl. I mean, I like games and such, but I really like stuff that I will really use often, or that will help me grow. I've been wanting to learn how to can but wouldn't have started the initial investment myself. Thanks sweetie!

 7. Isn't it funny how when I was little, I would sneak candy so my parents wouldn't see me, lest I get in trouble. Now I sneak candy so my son won't see me, lest I have to share with him.

Merry Christmas and have a blessed New Year!! Check out Jen for more Quick Takes.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your Christmas joy! I'm eager to hear about your canning's something I'd like to start, too, but I'm also shy about making the initial investment. And wow, I completely saw myself in your #7! :)
