
Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Spoils of the Garden

I hope to have another Thrift Thursday soon,
but in the meantime I just have to share something awesome!
I have a shared garden down at my parent's-in-law's house.
It is a 10 minute walk from my house which has been giving us lots o' exercise.
I am sharing the garden with my sisters-in-law Robyn and Chris
who have been doing a great job helping keep it nice!
So today when I was down there watering and weeding I noticed that the basil was ready!
Thus my first spoil from the garden.

I tried to make the picture scratch 'n sniff,
but apparently that technology hasn't been invented yet.
Someone get on that please. Thanks.

The tomatoes and garlic are from the garden, but soon will be.

Mmm, garlic, italian sausage, tomatoes, basil, pasta....yum!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Moments to Cherish

Often in a week Dominic does many things that just melt my heart.
I say to myself that I want to remember these moments forever.
At the very least I should stock pile the memories to pull out when a certain someone starts screaming their head off.
So I thought I would share my favorites from these past couple days.

1. For the past couple months I've been trying to teach Dominic a very valuable life skill, and finally he's got it! I was such a proud mama!

In case you don't know what I am talking about, it is the "Ahhh" after he takes a drink.

2. The other evening I stayed up a little late but Dominic and Geoff were already asleep. After I exhausted every website I could ever want to look at, I decided I should probably get to sleep as well. Upon crawling into bed I saw my husband and son cuddled up all close to one another. I wish I had a picture! It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

3. Geoff taught Dominic to say "sit" and give a treat to our dog Payton. It is so cute and is actually more like "shii" but I love it! So yesterday I was telling my mom about it and said "Dominic say sit for grandma...sit". And Doc immediately dropped down and laid flat on his belly, imitating Payton who often just lays down when we tell him to sit. I laughed so hard and couldn't resist showing Geoff today. Sure enough, Dominic did it again.

4. Tonight we were saying prayers before Dominic went to sleep. Geoff and I were kneeling at the foot of our bed and Dominic was on the bed watching us. During the "Hail Mary" he went to his daddy and gave him a big wet kiss, and then came over to me and did the same. We haven't gotten too many kisses from him before, so it was a very special moment.

Being a parent is such an incredible blessing.
I want to make sure that at the end of the day,
 I look not at the work or trials that came with my vocation of motherhood,
 but rather the joys.
Tonight I go to bed very happy.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father of my Children

Thank you my love, for being a strong man of God.
Thank you for teaching our son what it means to be a man.
Thank you for remembering and cherishing our daughter.
Thank you for being such a wonderful father.
We love you, honor you, pray for you, and thank God for you
Not just today, but every day.
St. Joseph, pray for us.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Strawberry Patch

Last week my grandmother called me.
They were going to Texas for a few days to visit my brother and some other family.
She asked if I could do her a big favor.
"Dacia, while we are gone would you mind coming out to pick the strawberries 
and take them home to eat?"
Hrmm, I dunno grandma.
I'm not a big fan of home grown, farm fresh, delicious, organic strawberries.
But if I am doing you a BIG favor, then I guess I can manage.

So last night Geoff, Dominic, Payton, and I treked
(as much as a 10 minute drive can be a trek)  
out to the farm and pick the most yummy strawberries in the world.
I picked a little over 3 quarts in a short amount of time.

On tonight's agenda, old fashioned strawberry fruit leather!
Just like we used to make when I was a little girl.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thrift Thursday: Grandma's Shoes

I have the best dress shoe collection in the world,
And it hasn't cost me a dime!
My grandma has let me on many occassions raid her shoe closet.
It is filled of gems, well not literal gems although that would be cool too.
I said this before, and will probably say it again but my grandma has the greatest taste and style.
These shoes are from the 50's and are grey and black.
They are comfy and velvety.
really love the bow!
Thanks grandma Rosemary for sharing your vintage shoes.

I can't wait to share more with you!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Four Years Ago Today

Four years ago today,
I slept in nice and late
I did a morning offering
I ate a big breakfast
I took a long shower
I ran around town trying to find some white flats
I went to the church
I got all dolled up
I even wore makeup
and got my hair done
I laughed with my sisters, mom, and best friend
I did ninja moves in the dress
I prayed
I posed
I hugged my dad
I walked down the aisle
I was given away to a wonderful man
I stood before the altar and the priest
I prayed some more
I listened to God's Word
I knelt
I looked loving and longingly into his eyes
I said "I Do" to God
and "I Do" to my bethrothed
I said yes God's blessings
I received Jesus in the most holy Eucharist
I was married.
Before God.
Before friends and family.
I vowed my love, my life, my actions, my thoughts and my words
to serve this man whom God has chosen for me.
To serve him however he needs me.
To help him get to Heaven.
To help him be a strong man of God.
To help him be a wonderful father.
To help him grow in virtues.

I am blessed.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Date Night

The husband came home for his lunch break today,
which Dominic and I love!
On said lunch break he informed me that instead of his usual nerd night,
(well really every night is nerd night in our house cause we are two big nerds,
but specifically I refer to Friday night board game nights with his guy friends,)
he will be taking me out on a date.
I am so excited I can hardly contain myself!!
Dont get me wrong, we are both homebodies and are perfectly content with staying home and watching a good show or playing a good video game after Doc is in bed.
I have never felt like I needed "a break" or to "get away" from our sweet son.
But dinner and a movie just me and the hubs, sounds awesome!
Our 4 year anniversary is the 8th (Wednesday).
What an amazing 4 yrs it has been!
I pray God blesses us all the more in the years to come.

Now, what to wear for my date??
I think I know just the dress...

Happy Monday!

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Pilgrimage

Tuesday I went on a pilgrimage with my Parish family
to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
No, not in Mexico.
Subtract the drug cartels and add a whole lot of cheese!
Just a few short years ago Archbishop Burke,
when he was in the Diocese of LaCrosse, WI
felt the calling to build a Marian Shrine in his Diocese.
Originally the Shrine was going to be to Our Lady of Fatima,
but years went by without any movement.
Then Archbishop Burke heard Blessed Pope John Paul II in Mexico
saying that Our Lady of Guadalupe was not just for that country,
but for all the Americas.
He then knew just what Shrine we needed here in North America.
All of a sudden, things began to happen.
Someone donated 93 acres in LaCrosse, WI to the Diocese,
unknowing about the Archbishop Burke's plans.
Over the next few years money came flooding in for the building of this Shrine,
given credence to the will of God,
and despite the opposition he was facing in his own Diocese
for the building of this beautiful sanctuary-
you know the classic money could have been given to the poor (see John 12).
In 2004 the construction began, and was completed in 2008.
It was simply Heavenly and stunning, hidden amidst the rolling hills.
Archbishop Burke
in front of the Church

At the base of the hill is the visitor center, gift shop, and restaurant.
The Church is about a 15 minute walk up hill.
It is a delightful walk, bringing to light that we were on a pilgrimage.
The path was paved and not too steep,
all the way surrounded by the breathtaking woods and hill.
On the journey up to the Church you come across a few statues.

Blessed Kateri
St. Joseph the Worker
Also on the journey up is a candle chapel,
where you can make a donation to have a candle lit,
and people pray for your intention.
Upon walking in, I was in awe.
The chapel glowed blue and was simply resplendent.
The glistening stained glass depicted the Blessed Mother at various apparitions.
My candle is to the right. :)

Our Lady of Fatima
It is hard to do it justice in pictures.

Finally, just when your calf muscles are really starting to hurt, (especially when you are pushing a stroller) there it is.
Nice on the outside, but even more amazing on the inside!
So traditional I love it!
The angels flanking the altar up top were awesome.
Right away I got to go to confession.
The confessional always has a priest in it while pilgrims are there.
And a good soul cleansing was just what I needed!
Mass followed, and it just happened to be the Feast of the Visitation.
One thing that really stuck out about the Church, was the acoustics.
As a musician, oh man, I would give anything to be alone in that Church,
just my voice and guitar.  
When we sang, you could hear the angels singing along.

On either side of the Church were gorgeous paintings of various Saints,
along with a first class relic!
There was also a kneeler and candles for you to say a prayer and pay your respects.

The painting of Blessed Miguel Pro
"Viva Cristo Rey!"

My favorite was probably this painting of St. Maria Goretti. There were also paintings and relics of St. Faustina, St Gianna Mola, and St. Terese of Liseux, and St. Peregrine.
Dominic was so fascinated by the relics
and kept going over to look and them.
So was I.
We heard stories from our tour guide and a nun about the many miracles that have happened from people coming to the Shrine and asking for these Saints' intercession.
St. Gianna Mola especially (more to come on that).

After spending ample time in the Church,
we hiked outside to the Stations of the Cross and the Rosary.
There were 4 of these sculptures, one for each set of mysteries.

The Shrine to the unborn was also stunning.
Many people don't know that in the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Mary is with-child.
We know this because of the sash she is wearing around her waist.
This is why Blessed John Paul II declared her to be
patroness of families and the unborn.
This is also why this shrine is so needed in our country today as families and the unborn are dying in droves, by the choices we make.

This pilgrimage was something I greatly needed
and was well worth the four hour bus ride; even with a very active 14 month old!
I received such graces and I know my family will be blessed because of it.
I am already looking forward to our pilgrimage this fall!
Where was your last pilgrimage?

Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Mystical Rose,
make intercession for the holy Church,
protect the Sovereign Pontiff,
help all those who invoke thee in their necessities,
and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary
and Mother of the true God,
obtain for us from thy most holy Son
the grace of keeping our faith,
sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life,
burning charity
and the precious gift of final perseverance.
Amen. (Pope Pius X)